So far, I am in a terrible mood today. I think I made my big mistake when I created a “to do” list that is far longer than I can reasonably complete in a few hours time. The bad mood started when I was almost to Wal-Mart and the groomer for Ramsey, our golden retriever, called and said she was ready for pick up. She’s never ready for pickup before 1pm. Didn’t she know I had a plan… a wonderful plan… and she was messing with my plan?! I was going to get groceries, put them away, and then pick her up. Instead, I had to turn around, back track, and waste 20-30 minutes of my packed day picking her up early (are you feeling sorry for me yet – yeah, I didn’t think so either…).
After picking Ramsey up, I take her home and head back out to Wal-Mart. Because I had pictures waiting at a different Wal-Mart than I usually go to, I had to go to the Wal-Mart that I pretty much hate. My feelings for this particular location did not improve when I stood and stood and stood waiting for the photo center lady to stop helping (i.e., leisurely laughing with) another customer. When she did eventually come back to the register, she helped the lady behind me first. (I know, I’m breaking your heart – why do such bad things happen to such good people? ~smile~) Without boring you with the details of how long it took her to find the pictures that were right in front of her, I’ll just say that I eventually got my pictures.
In an attempt to regain some time I had lost, I flew through the store as though my life depended on it. It seems like in those times, anyone and everyone who is slow and in no rush finds their way in front of you in every aisle of the store, don’t they? Or, if you are on an aisle with one other person, it is inevitable that he or she is going to need the exact same item you do. Thankfully, I ran into someone from church whose very presence made me smile and, for the next few minutes, I had a slightly happier, less mentally-menacing disposition. Unfortunately, by the time I got to my car and tried getting out of the parking lot, I was a roaring lion once again. It’s amazing how much of a felony running a stop sign is when someone else accidently does it (not that I’m saying it’s ever good to do that yourself!).
Anyway, I made it home. The groceries are sitting on the floor in the kitchen waiting for me to put them up. I just wanted to send these thoughts into the great blogosphere while they were still fresh in my mind. Here’s the deal: if I don’t take a few minutes and go before the Lord and ask Him to calm me, encourage me, and forgive me for my terrible attitude, I will infect Eric with all kinds of negativity when he comes home from work… trust me. A few minutes spent with the Lord to adjust your moods will make a huge difference for your relationships and future marriage. One of my biggest regrets, from when I worked a job outside my home, was how foul of a mood I would often bring home. If my day was stressful, it came home with me and I infused my home with a bad attitude. Then I couldn’t understand why Eric’s mood would change for the worse after coming home from work.
So, after I get off of the computer, I will be going to spend a little one on one time with my Lord and Savior. I’m so thankful that His love remains even when I am prickly and unlovable. He melts the ice around my heart. As you prepare for marriage, make a habit of spending a little time with the Lord before going to work, getting home from work, and before entering the presence of someone you love (especially if you are in a bad mood). He is quick to show us our sin and He is quick to forgive. A little time with Him will prepare you to be calm, gentle, and peaceful when you enter your home.
How has your boyfriend’s or girlfriend’s bad moods affected your relationship? What happens when you take your bad moods to God?
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