The “Year of Experiences”™ is underway! I’m currently in the process of listing various experiences I want to have this year. Some will be with Eric – and some will probably be without him.
Eric and I were married towards the beginning of our graduate school careers. We had a few months off from school the summer of our wedding and then we jumped back in to full-time work and part-time school. This was how we spent the first four years of our marriage.
After we graduated, we began focusing on PreEngaged and other various pursuits. There has always been a goal – whether specific or vague – in our future, but we have not done a good job of just experiencing life together. When we weren’t looking, we fell into the same rut many other couples do – allowing boredom and negative habits to move in and get comfortable.
Time for a Change
Well, not any more! Not every day will be an epic adventure, but Lord willing, we will be able to experience more life together this year. The first ten years were just a warm-up. Now we’re ready for some out-of-the-box fun. Right, Honey? ~smile~ {Eric’s note: Let’s do this!}
We’re happy to say that we obtained Master’s Degrees and started a business in our first decade together, but we have to keep exploring and growing ourselves or we’ll grow stagnant (and perhaps resentful).
What Will You and Your Sweetie Experience this Year?
Have you created a 2015 bucket list yet? If not, consider doing so. List at least a dozen experiences you want to have with your sweetheart this year. That’s only one per month, so feel free to add to this list later if you’d both like!
After you list them, make a plan for experiencing them!
January – Ice skate together for the first time!
February – Have a progressive Valentine’s dinner.
March – Hike to a waterfall.
April – Go ziplining together.
So on and so forth. ~smile~
Never Stop Looking for Adventure and Common Interests
Even though I’m an experiencer by nature, I’m also a pretty strong introvert. So, I’m not always looking for the next big adventure. Sometimes, I have to be prodded into an adventure. An experience can be something as common as walking through a garden on a beautiful day, feeling the sun on my face, and breathing in the glorious fragrances.
For the sake of my marriage, however, I need to be open to new, and sometimes scary, adventures. The more we experience with our sweethearts, the more chances we have to gain common ground. There are at least ten common interests Eric and I have that we’ve yet to discover. How will we discover them if we don’t go out looking for them?
We can brood over the fact that we are opposites and have nothing in common, or we can go out and find hobbies we have in common. ~smile~
It’s Friday! Go Do Something!
The weekend is upon us! There will be fifty more Fridays this year. What adventure can you share with your special someone tonight, tomorrow, and/or Sunday?
Every special moment doesn’t have to be over-the-top amazing. We should focus on living life together and ditching the nothing-new lifestyle. Generally, I prefer the same ol’ same ol’ because I am comfortable with it; yet, our relationship will not continue to grow without some risks, some new paths, some challenges, and some open-mindedness.
So, we have much to do this year! What about you and your sweetie? Will 2015 be a year to remember, or just another bunch of boring days lumped into weeks and culminating into a year? It won’t take much to make this year unforgettable. ~smile~ Consider it. Plan it. Do it.
You won’t be sorry for making the most of your time together!
What adventure, large or small, will you and your sweetie have this weekend?