It’s time for another experience! So many of the adventures I want to have revolve around water or being somewhere other than my hometown. So, I wasn’t sure what to do this time. I looked over a list I made earlier in the year and there it was: learn to play a song on the guitar! And what luck to live with someone who can teach me! This was going to be fun – and easy!
Day One
Ouch! My fingertips are not happy. Typing is not as easy as it was an hour ago! Eric, my musical man, agreed to help me learn to play a song on the guitar. Poor, naïve me. I thought we would pull out the guitars, I would learn a few chords, I would strum out a song, and then be ready to write about my experience – all in about an hour. I’ll give you guitar players out there a moment to chuckle before I proceed. ~pause~
Okay, so as anyone who has ever attempted to play the guitar knows, I learned a few chords today before my fingers declared me “done.” So, I’ve changed my expectations. Today, I finally “mastered” the G and D chords (and by mastered, I mean I can strum it… mostly without [what my husband calls] fret buzz). By Wednesday, I hope to be able to play the song, Lord, I Lift Your Name on High. We’ll see how it goes…. In the meantime, my fingertips are demanding some lotion.
Day Two
I still need to build up callouses on my fingertips! Here’s a metaphor for relationships: your heart will not become calloused toward your sweetheart overnight; but, if you and your love regularly bruise each other emotionally, before long you won’t feel anything towards him or her. You won’t feel the sting of pain nearly as much as when your heart was tender, but you won’t feel the love and closeness you used to feel either. When you do hurt each other, take steps to bring healing to each other. Don’t allow your hearts to grow hard and bitter.
Okay, back to the guitar. Ouch, ouch, and more ouch. Eric (aka, my teacher) was present for my lesson today, but (because he has not played for such a long himself) didn’t want to overdo his fingers. He’ll probably try to play again tomorrow. I guess I was a glutton for punishment, so I jumped in again. I mastered the G chord (again!) and I’m getting much better at D. I’m still struggling with the C chord, but hopefully I’ll get it soon! It’s no wonder that relatively few people who say they want to learn guitar actually do.
To all my guitar playing peeps out there (and there are only a few), you and your hands have my respect!
Day Three
I’m actually surprised my fingers are not extremely raw today. They are certainly tender, but not screaming; and, I’m glad since I’ve been typing for the last several hours! Who knew learning guitar could inhibit one’s ability to type? Lesson number three is coming up in a few hours. Interestingly, this experience has made me want to pull out my piano keyboard and start playing again. I took piano lessons for ten years and have little to currently show for it. It did help me develop my ear, but it would be nice to reawaken some piano skills after my eighteen year hiatus. ~smile~
I picked the guitar back up tonight and didn’t expect too much, but I decided no matter how bad it sounded, I wanted to play a whole song. Lord, I Lift Your Name on High has a total of five chords, so it was the winner picked out by my faithful and talented teacher. ~smile~ After all the trouble I’ve had with chords the last few days and getting my fingers to cooperate, I wondered if trying to play a whole song was ridiculous; but, I thought I’d give it the ol’ college try anyway.
The verdict? It was terrible… but, I got through it! ~smile~ I even got through it twice and didn’t hate it! After my rough beginning, I wondered if I would have any interest whatsoever in guitar after this experience was over. But, each day was a little better than the day before and I think I’m might actually want to learn. At this point, I’m not interested in ever playing in public, but it would be fun to push myself and learn a new instrument. If for no other reason, I could play praise and worship songs during my quiet times with the Lord.
This experience was a success! I’m glad I tried it and I am especially glad that I live with someone who was able to get me started. ~smile~
What awesome experience will you and your sweetie have this weekend?