This is the week after Thanksgiving. During Thanksgiving time and the Christmas season, it seems easier to give to others. Doing favors for other people does not seem to carry the same weight as it does during other times of the year (at least for me). It could be that Thanksgiving makes us consider how blessed we are… and then we want to bless others in return. My challenge to you is to choose to bless others – all year long.
I mean this quite literally. Make this a mission in your relationship. As a couple, choose at least one person or family per week to bless in some way. Some weeks you may choose to babysit for a young couple so they can have a much needed date night. Other weeks, it may be as simple as giving someone a ride to the airport or feeding someone’s cat while they’re away.
Griping and complaining comes naturally to us. When we focus on ourselves constantly, we become selfish and irritable. We were not created to focus on ourselves. God said to love Him and to love others. Sitting inside our house brooding over what we don’t have is not showing love to God or others. Choosing to focus your attention on others will take your attention off the negative aspects of your life. It will also give you and your significant other the chance to sew into people’s lives.
James 1:27 says this, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” We can say that we love God, but are we doing what this verse instructs us to do? Beginning a life together by creating a habit of giving will really be a gift you are giving yourselves. A relationship that focuses on the needs of others, rather than on its own selfish demands, will strive after those things that are truly important. Give a gift to your future marriage by giving gifts to others. Bless your future marriage by being a blessing to others on a regular basis. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
When’s the last time you and your boyfriend/girlfriend took time to seek to help someone who was in need? How did you both feel after serving them together?
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