When you get up in the morning, do you ever stop and ask yourself, "Why am I getting up today?" It is easy to fall into a routine that is seldom questioned. We have to eat, so we go to work, but do we think more deeply about it? "What am I getting up to accomplish this morning? What will I do today that will move me closer towards the vision I have for my life? I get the sense that many of us do not take the time to pray, ponder and write down a vision statement for our lives. Many Christians are familiar with the verse from Proverbs that reads, "Where there is no vision, the people perish" … [Read more...]
Keep Learning Together
When we're young and in school, we tend to look forward to life after graduation as a time of freedom from all things scholastic. Since school is so mentally taxing and takes so many years to complete, it is exciting to think about the time when you no longer have to study. However, when you graduate, it is important to keep learning. Fortunately, you can choose whatever you want to pour your energies into learning – and at your own pace – but, it is imperative that you keep learning. Humans were never meant to stop learning at any point of our lives. Learning new things is not only beneficial … [Read more...]
Perfect Practice Makes Perfect (Chip Ritter – Drummers for Jesus 2010)
It has been said that "practice makes perfect." Unfortunately, that is not true. If a person practices the wrong thing repeatedly, then they will get very good at doing the wrong thing. That is why perfect practice makes perfect. To become proficient at a skill, one must dedicate time and energy to practicing the right thing and getting better at it. One of my hobbies is playing the drums; so, when I found the below video, I was impressed! Consider the amount of time it must have taken him to learn to juggle, and practice juggling, drumsticks while playing the … [Read more...]
Find Your Passions and Pursue Them
Why is it so hard to get up in the morning? Is it a lack of sleep? Is it because it’s warm and cozy? Perhaps you just don't want to face the day ahead. For millions of people, it's the last one. So many people are not satisfied with their current careers or jobs. Maybe you went to college to be what your parents wanted you to be. Maybe you decided college wasn't for you and you took a job that you only planned to do for a little while, waking up one day to realize that you've been there for years. For whatever reason, a good chunk of Americans (and many in other nations as well) can hardly … [Read more...]
Find a Cause that’s Bigger than the Both of You
The Bible is clear in Proverbs 29:18 that people perish if they don’t have a vision. Unless we are living for something that is bigger than ourselves, and unless we focus on specific, written goals, we won’t succeed in our lives. When we get married, it is no longer simply about our lives and vision, but a new vision emerges. Couples in the early stages of marriage might find that they are completely content with just being together all the time and that they need little “extra-curricular” activity to keep them happy. For almost all relationships, however, those days pass, and if a marriage is … [Read more...]