In celebration of Mother’s Day yesterday, we’re going to talk about moms today. What are some of your fondest memories with your mother? My mom and I used to share a lot of Friday night laughs because we were both so tired we'd laugh at anything. We enjoyed sitting and chatting over a cheap combo meal while we were out shopping. We still love reminiscing over silly mistakes we've made, or how we made fools of ourselves in various situations. There are lots of mini-memories I have with my mom, but perhaps the most powerful memory I have of her is when she took a day off of work to be with me … [Read more...]
Lie Down on this Couch and Tell Me about your Mother…
How do you treat your parents? Do you honor them, respect them, and listen to their advice? How do your parents treat you? Do they lay down the law, give you no direction, or allow you to make mistakes while helping you learn from them? Do you enjoy spending time with your parents or do you look for any excuse you can to avoid them? Your relationship with your parents will affect your future marriage. Guys, how you treat your mother is a glimpse into how you will naturally treat your wife. If you have anger towards your mother that is not resolved, it is just a matter of time before your … [Read more...]
Large Families Can Flourish
For my birthday this year, my friend gave me two DVD's of the Duggar family (17 Kids and Counting and 18 Kids and Counting). Looking at the cover was overwhelming and I'm not sure if I will ever be able to name them all without looking at a guide! It amazes me how a family this size (currently having 19 kids and 2 grandkids) moves smoothly from day to day. Personally, I am looking forward to watching them and observing how they deal with certain situations. Sure, not everything will be covered in front of a camera, but there is still a lot to be learned. Sadly, many people consider the … [Read more...]
When is The Best Time to Have Children?
A reader, from Modesto, California asks: “We’re preparing for marriage, but when is the best time to have children?” I believe that God intended for both a father and mother to nurture and raise their children unto the admonition and teaching of the Lord. Since one God-ordained purpose of marriage is procreation, the couple should, at minimum, be ready to take on the responsibility of raising children at the time they get married. If they are not ready to accept that responsibility, the couple should delay marriage until they are ready to take care of children (aspects of readiness are … [Read more...]
Embarrassing Childhood Stories
Who among us has not been humiliated or humbled by that one naked picture our parents just had to take of us when we were babies? Then there were also the "baby's first bath" and "potty training" pictures. Maybe your mom had you sit on the baby potty with a magazine or newspaper? Perhaps it's just one of those things that doesn't seem funny until you are a parent. For whatever reason, there are photo albums all over the world filled with embarrassing baby pictures. Once you move past the naked baby stage, you get into awkward kid phase where your teeth are missing, your leg is broken, and you … [Read more...]