What is truly amazing about being a Christian life coach married to another Christian life coach is that we have the perfect prayer life. We rise before the sun each day and read a book of the Bible and then kneel by our bedside and pray for at least 45 minutes before Eric leaves for work. Last year, we read through the Bible four times, but this year we hope to make it five. It is a wonderful feeling to have it all together.
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It is not fun to admit our failures (especially in our line of work), but Eric and I are far from perfect; and, spending time with the Lord together has been a struggle for us from the beginning. In the morning, I am a complete zombie. At night, some event always comes up to throw us off our routine (i.e., we allow other variables to throw us off). If I could go back and change our first year, I would make daily couple’s devotions a staple in our marriage (and I am sure Eric would too).
It is important for Christians to have a personal walk with Christ, but married couples also need the spiritual intimacy and strength that comes from seeking the Lord as a corporate entity.
It Can Be Done!
This is why I deeply respect one of our dear couple friends. We have watched them grow together in their dating relationship, we witnessed spiritual changes in their lives, and we happily looked on as they took their wedding vows. From the time they returned from their honeymoon until now, they have not neglected to read the Bible together every day for the last seven years. They have trials and tribulations like any couple, but they drink daily from the Living Water and are continuously renewed.
When they experience conflicts (as all married couples do), they still hold to their decision to read God’s Word together every day. Whether it is by dawn’s early light or before they collapse into bed each night, they hold to this beautiful tradition; and, they have encouraged us to incorporate it into our marriage.
“Great changes are easier than small ones.” – Francis Bacon
Once couples get settled into their marital routines, it is harder for them to create new habits. When you move your stuff in and start adjusting to married life, everything will be new. Sharing a bathroom will be new. Meshing your dinnertime traditions will be new. Figuring out how to divide the chores will be new. While you are still finding your marriage groove, begin this tradition. Make reading the Bible and praying together as normal a task as showering and cooking breakfast. Adding this small change to your marriage later will be much harder than making it a part of the Great Change in the beginning.
Let Us Help You Get Started!
It is our sincere hope that you will begin your marriage determined to read God’s Word together daily. In keeping with that theme, we are giving away a free Family Life Marriage Bible to one special couple! This Bible includes helpful articles written by respected marriage authors Dennis and Barbara Rainey! All you have to do to enter is go to our Facebook page and post on that page a favorite lesson you have learned from one of our blog posts. We are excited to pick a winner on Friday, August 5th!
We wish you a wonderful weekend and hope you do something fun to bid July farewell. See you in August!
Do you know a couple who has faithfully studied God’s Word together for years?