Can you believe 2015 is almost at a close? Did we not just get used to writing 2015 on our checks? They say life is like a roll of toilet paper: the closer you get to the end, the faster it goes.
Each year does seem to fly by a bit faster than the one before; however, I will say that trying new experiences this year and trying to lose weight has made the time go by a little bit slower – in the most positive of ways! ~smile~
Most years leading up to this one were, in most ways, like the previous year. “What is new with you?” “Nothing much.” But, it seemed like something was missing: living. Living was what was missing. (There is only so much one can gain from staying in the house.)
It is so nice to finally be happy with how I spent my year instead of looking back with regret. Sure, I could have done more, but I am pleased with all I have been privileged to experience. I was finally to lose a lot of weight – a task which has been hanging over my head for well over a decade; and, I was able to get out of the house and try several new activities which I never would have in the past. I am enjoying this new Heather – and if you are sitting on the sidelines waiting to live, I can assure you that you will be much happier once you start partaking in life instead of watching it go by… or just watching other people live theirs. Now, instead of feeling sour jealousy in the pit of my stomach when people post vacation pictures of their adventures, I can either say, “Wow! I want to try that next,” or, “I have already done that!” ~smile~ It is a nice place to be and I hope you will join me!
Now that the year is winding down, review it, and consider what you want to duplicate in 2016 and decide which changes you want to make. Sit down with some paper or your computer, get ready to do some brainstorming, and consider the following questions:
- Am I satisfied with where I am now as compared to where I was a year ago? Did I improve, stay the same, or slack off in the areas I most want to succeed? Am I happy with my progress this year?
- Have I instituted the changes I planned to make last January? Did I stick to my plan and prosper or did I veer off and lose steam?
- Have the changes I have made turned out to be positive ones? Do they need tweaking? Was my plan unrealistic? Did I set myself up for failure? Did something change in my schedule or life in general that would require me to rethink my action plan (e.g., new job, new baby, move, etc.)?
- Have new priorities risen to the surface? Am I giving them the proper attention? Should I keep training for a marathon while I am learning this new job? Should I be spending so many extra hours trying to get ahead at work now that I have this promising new relationship? Which areas need more of my attention, less attention, or the same amount of attention?
- Am I satisfied with the amount of effort I have put into growing and changing this year? Will I put in the same amount next year? Regardless of how much I have or have not accomplished, am I confident with how much blood, sweat, and tears I put into my goals this year? Do I want to continue at this pace or rethink my intensity level for next year?
- How have the changes I have made affected my sweetheart, family, friends, and co-workers? Have my relationships improved as a result of the changes I have made in my life this year? If not, can I affect change, or is it out of my control? Is there jealousy or negativity coming from someone who misses me being down in the dumps with him or her? Or, have I been so busy that I have neglected to spend quality time with my loved ones?
- What is my theme for next year? This year was my (Heather’s) year of experiences. We are planning for what next year will hold. History has proven that I do more with my year if I dedicate it to a specific goal.
In just a few short weeks, we will be ringing in another new year full of possibilities. Think about how you want to spend 2016 before it is upon you. Make a plan. Let others in on your plan. Determine if your plan is realistic and then be ready to jump on it come January 1.
I am excited for you! I am excited for your relationship! I hope 2016 is your most cherished year yet!
What will be your theme for 2016?