I enjoyed Episode IV so much more after seeing the back story! And it’s always fun watching the beginning of a romance. I’m not talking about the Luke and Leia side of the love triangle, but rather Princess Leia and Han Solo’s relationship. (Though, when Luke first saw Leia on the hologram, he commented on her beauty. He didn’t know yet that she was his sister, but for me watching, it was weird just the same. ~smile~)
In the beginning of A New Hope, Princess Leia and Han Solo’s relationship was characterized in Episode IV by sarcastic remarks, eye rolls, and constant jabs. However, there was no doubt that they were attracted to each other in spite of their sarcastic behavior.
Have you ever seen or been in a relationship like that? You meet someone and even though he or she annoys you to no end, you still find yourself caught in a tractor beam being pulled toward that person? Sometimes the beginning of a relationship does not predict the end.
When my parents were little, they were in the same Sunday School class. Someone told my six-year-old father that he was going to grow up and marry my six-year-old mother. His response? “Ewww, I’ll never marry her!” Well, more than fifty years has passed since then and they have been married more than thirty-eight years ago!
When I met Eric, I thought he was kinda strange. He had a personality perpendicular to mine. He was blunt when I thought he should be soft. And to top it all off, he licked the sauce off of his plate during the first time we had a friendly Japanese dinner together {Eric’s note: I have since stopped doing that. ~smile~}. I’d just never met anyone like this guy before! I was so intrigued by how differently he approached life. It took me a while to warm up to him, but once I had, I couldn’t stay away. In fact, I had to wait for him to pursue me long after I was ready to be pursued ~smile~. Remember that just because someone doesn’t seem desirable at first, it doesn’t mean that person can’t grow on you. You may end up finding that you are attracted to the quirkiness over time!
My relational take away from Episode IV is to never judge a book by its cover. {Eric’s note: Several years before I met Heather, I remember hanging out one time with a girl I knew from church (we had known of each other for a decent number of years, but didn’t really know each other well). After the evening was done, I asked her if her previous impression of me was accurate or if I was different from who she thought I was. She replied that I was quite different than what she had thought – and in a positive way! Lesson to learn: girls, sometimes you just have to give the guy a chance! ~smile~}
Take the time to read a few pages from the person’s life before making a judgment call. If you get through the first chapter and realize that he or she is an arrogant, selfish mess then it’s okay to close the book and move on with your life. If the first chapter is interesting or just a bit quirky, keep reading to see where it goes. Just as Han and Leia will soon discover, you may find that you will grow to adore the very one that perplexed you in the beginning.
Do you tend to judge people by their covers?