So far, our Year of Restoration (our annual theme this year) has been an interesting one. While our hope at the start of the year was to experience the completed side of restoration – the smiles, the satisfaction of completed goals, the rekindling of … [Read More...]
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We loved pre-engagement counseling, especially because we got to learn so much more about each other and have a better understanding of the other person. It helped us understand why we 'miss' in certain areas and what things we needed from the other person to have a healthy relationship.
We loved pre-engagement counseling, especially because we got to learn so much more about each other and have a better understanding of the other person. It helped us understand why we 'miss' in certain areas and what things we needed from the other person to have a healthy relationship.
-- Katherine Marlin
-- Katherine Marlin

Eric and Heather are very honest, trustworthy, and reasonable people. During these sessions, I have felt extremely exposed and open. I know I can trust you with my heart, without judgment.
Eric and Heather are very honest, trustworthy, and reasonable people. During these sessions, I have felt extremely exposed and open. I know I can trust you with my heart, without judgment.
-- C. Collins
-- C. Collins

I want others to know that the programs are really worth it, financially. Going into marriage with similar knowledge, language, statistics, and strategies will pay for itself in joy ten times over the upfront cost of the program. When you're dealing with something important, it's worth paying for.
I want others to know that the programs are really worth it, financially. Going into marriage with similar knowledge, language, statistics, and strategies will pay for itself in joy ten times over the upfront cost of the program. When you're dealing with something important, it's worth paying for.
-- Chris Marlin
-- Chris Marlin

It is not the norm in Christian circles to pay for such services and many are used to finding services (which people think are comparable) for free. There is great value in your program and it was worth every penny. I would pay for it all over again in hindsight. We love you guys!
It is not the norm in Christian circles to pay for such services and many are used to finding services (which people think are comparable) for free. There is great value in your program and it was worth every penny. I would pay for it all over again in hindsight. We love you guys!
-- Candace Gustine Cabral
-- Candace Gustine Cabral

Eric and Heather helped us set up some great building blocks so we can prevent certain conflicts in the future. Eric and Heather exposed parts of our relationship in which we would have never known problems existed until they occurred. I honestly now do not know how people can get married without getting pre-marital counseling. I urge every couple to invest in counseling before they get married, especially from Eric and Heather.
Eric and Heather helped us set up some great building blocks so we can prevent certain conflicts in the future. Eric and Heather exposed parts of our relationship in which we would have never known problems existed until they occurred. I honestly now do not know how people can get married without getting pre-marital counseling. I urge every couple to invest in counseling before they get married, especially from Eric and Heather.
-- Beth Peele
-- Beth Peele

Eric and Heather are excellent listeners and are very professional in their manner of counseling. They have both made me feel extremely comfortable being myself and talking about issues which I would not normally voice to most strangers. This experience, overall, has been nothing but positive.
Eric and Heather are excellent listeners and are very professional in their manner of counseling. They have both made me feel extremely comfortable being myself and talking about issues which I would not normally voice to most strangers. This experience, overall, has been nothing but positive.
-- Susan Williams
-- Susan Williams

I feel much more confident about marriage after going through premarital counseling with Eric and Heather. Not only did it help prepare both of us for marriage, it helped me grow closer to the Lord and deal with some bitterness which I've been holding as well. This program was immensely important to us and I would highly recommend it to any couple who is seriously seeking marriage.
I feel much more confident about marriage after going through premarital counseling with Eric and Heather. Not only did it help prepare both of us for marriage, it helped me grow closer to the Lord and deal with some bitterness which I've been holding as well. This program was immensely important to us and I would highly recommend it to any couple who is seriously seeking marriage.
-- Josh Bell
-- Josh Bell

Eric and Heather have helped Justin and I better understand how to communicate in healthy ways, how to relate to one another, how to love one another, how to work through conflict, how to manage our finances, and how to build intimacy in our future marriage. Justin and I would not be in such a healthy relationship if we had not gone through counseling with Eric and Heather.
Eric and Heather have helped Justin and I better understand how to communicate in healthy ways, how to relate to one another, how to love one another, how to work through conflict, how to manage our finances, and how to build intimacy in our future marriage. Justin and I would not be in such a healthy relationship if we had not gone through counseling with Eric and Heather.
-- Amanda Winter
-- Amanda Winter

From Our Store

After several years of helping couples, this book contains topics which we have found are essential for couples to process through together.
(PDF and MP3, $15.99 USD)

To provide a clear answer to the question, we created the course, Beyond "You'll Just Know", which highlights very important character traits in a marriage partner.
(PDF, $29.00 USD)

No more guessing as to what they want for Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, or any other special event! This book unlocks the secrets for what they want!
(PDF, $12.99 USD)

Our time spent with Eric and Heather in pre-engagement counseling (and also continuing to their premarital counseling) was the singlemost beneficial thing that the Lord used to reveal to us that we would be wise and blessed in getting married. In the Lord’s grace and His providence, I believe we have saved years of marital strife because of our time spent with Eric and Heather. It was both a financial and time investment that has and will continue to reap dividends for the rest of our lives.
Our time spent with Eric and Heather in pre-engagement counseling (and also continuing to their premarital counseling) was the singlemost beneficial thing that the Lord used to reveal to us that we would be wise and blessed in getting married. In the Lord’s grace and His providence, I believe we have saved years of marital strife because of our time spent with Eric and Heather. It was both a financial and time investment that has and will continue to reap dividends for the rest of our lives.
-- Justin Winter
-- Justin Winter

We really looked forward to our meetings each week and felt like you two became our friends. We feel that we gained exactly what we sought out from the program.
We really looked forward to our meetings each week and felt like you two became our friends. We feel that we gained exactly what we sought out from the program.
-- T. J. Brinker
-- T. J. Brinker

Eric and Heather are very easy to speak with. They assign homework which allows the couple to go even more in depth. The program covered all areas of a relationship and marriage and will teach you as much about yourself as an individual as it will about the other person and your relationship together.
Eric and Heather are very easy to speak with. They assign homework which allows the couple to go even more in depth. The program covered all areas of a relationship and marriage and will teach you as much about yourself as an individual as it will about the other person and your relationship together.
-- Mbaxi Cabral
-- Mbaxi Cabral

The pre-engagement program helped prepare us for engagement (and then also marriage with the pre-marital counseling program) more than what a church program would have done, I think. Eric and Heather were very thorough and really wanted us to succeed and be prepared for every hurdle in marriage.
The pre-engagement program helped prepare us for engagement (and then also marriage with the pre-marital counseling program) more than what a church program would have done, I think. Eric and Heather were very thorough and really wanted us to succeed and be prepared for every hurdle in marriage.
-- Katherine Marlin
-- Katherine Marlin

Jade and I began pre-engagement counseling after nine months of dating. Our relationship was healthy; nevertheless, we found pre-engagement counseling to be extremely helpful. It is easy to believe that because a dating relationship is relatively sweet that no additional knowledge and counsel is needed. This couldn't be further from the truth.
Jade and I began pre-engagement counseling after nine months of dating. Our relationship was healthy; nevertheless, we found pre-engagement counseling to be extremely helpful. It is easy to believe that because a dating relationship is relatively sweet that no additional knowledge and counsel is needed. This couldn't be further from the truth.
-- Josh Bell
-- Josh Bell

Going into counseling, Josh and I were particularly concerned about handling conflict. The PAIR Test helped to show where we have conflict and the reasons why we handle conflict the way we do. Through homework, exercises, and tools discussed in the sessions, we have seen much improvement in our conflict communication. I am much more confident in our relationship because of this.
Going into counseling, Josh and I were particularly concerned about handling conflict. The PAIR Test helped to show where we have conflict and the reasons why we handle conflict the way we do. Through homework, exercises, and tools discussed in the sessions, we have seen much improvement in our conflict communication. I am much more confident in our relationship because of this.
-- Jade Bell
-- Jade Bell

We have learned how to better communicate in a way which actually solves problems instead of avoiding them. We now have a confidence in our relationship which allows us to speak freely about any situation that might arise; whereas before, we would have argued for an hour and then left with everything still unresolved. Eric and Heather not only saved our relationship, but they made it better than it ever was before.
We have learned how to better communicate in a way which actually solves problems instead of avoiding them. We now have a confidence in our relationship which allows us to speak freely about any situation that might arise; whereas before, we would have argued for an hour and then left with everything still unresolved. Eric and Heather not only saved our relationship, but they made it better than it ever was before.
-- Matthew Peele
-- Matthew Peele

Their goal is not really to ensure that couples remain together (although I'm sure they would love for that to be the case); rather, it's to prepare couples for marriage. And if after the sessions the couple determines that marriage isn't for them, that is also considered a success.
Their goal is not really to ensure that couples remain together (although I'm sure they would love for that to be the case); rather, it's to prepare couples for marriage. And if after the sessions the couple determines that marriage isn't for them, that is also considered a success.
-- C. Collins
-- C. Collins

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Forgiveness and Restoration
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